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We are proud to introduce VIDISEA.

Introducing the ultimate solution for shipowners looking to streamline their daily operations!
Our powerful database offers you 24/7 access to all the relevant data you need, including financial, technical and operational information.

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual data management and hello to effortless efficiency.
With our state-of-the-art database, you can easily manage your ship operations with just a few clicks. Whether you need to track financial records, monitor technical updates, or stay top of operational tasks, our platform has got you covered.

Our user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation make it easy for shipowners of all levels of experience to use our system. Plus, our team of expert technicians is always on hand to provide support and answer any questions you may have.


With just a few clicks you will have a thorough overview on all relevant topics. VIDISEA enhances your technical, commercial and safety related abilities in a lean and expedient way.

Find weaknesses and potential for improvement in just a few seconds.

Your Choice

VIDISEA covers all important aspects of your ship operations. For a single ship or your entire fleet.
For you. Your investors. Your Insurance. Your partners…

You decide who! You decide what!


Your general view will give you a quick glance at core informations including schedule and an executive summary of important events!

Executive Summary

The executive summary will give you a quick but comprehensive overview on uploaded reports, executed PSC controls, visits of your superintendent and all other important events.

You will further have an immediate idea of where your ship is including its speed and ETA.


VIDISEA covers all important aspects of your ship finance.

The finance section starts with the most basic but essential numbers giving you an immediate overview of how your asset performs.


The QUICK-CHECK offers you a full run-down on all financial aspects. It covers important information such as the operating result, EBITDA, total profit/loss, cash flow etc. and incorporates these numbers into a KPI-system.


The technic section gives you an overview of the ship’s technical performance including statistics and detailed monthly reporting and Inspection Reports.


VIDISEA as a licensing organization of the SASB Standards. The SASB Foundation has established and maintains industry-specific standards that assist companies in dis-closing financially material, decision-useful sustainability information to investors, and which refers to sustainability as “ESG” (environmental, social, and governance).
Monitor the development of ships monthly CII rating, and the EEXI scores.

Say goodbye to the stress of managing multiple data sources and embrace the ease and convenience of our VIDISEA database. Try it today and see how it can transform your daily operations!

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